What is the best post cycle therapy steroids

Vendredi, 22 Février 2019 11:27 Administrateur
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What is the best post cycle therapy steroids

Contraindications for use gorya¬chih baths are acute trauma, ECG changes, severe fatigue or general pere¬utomlenie.

3. Sodium chloride (salt) baths -Use with the appearance of pain in the joints mysh¬tsah and after school, during "oppression" of muscles, after running on hard surface (asphalt, concrete and so on. N.). For prigo¬tovleniya bath is necessary to dissolve it in 1.5-2.0 kg of salt. Take 10-15 minutes at a water temperature of 34-38 °.

4. Bath with sea salt - is used for increasing muscle tone to their relaksa¬tsii. sea salt packet poured into a linen bag and placed in a bath under the water jet go¬ryachey. With the dissolution of salt pour in the cold water bath to a temperature of 34-38 °, taking 10-15 minutes.

5. Alkaline bath - used to relieve fatigue after stre body building without steroids nuous exercise. To prepare the bath ras¬tvorit 200-300 grams of baking soda with water tempera¬ture 35-37 °, taking 5-10 minutes.

6. Coniferous bath - used after strenuous exercise to speed up the recovery process. Coniferous eks¬trakt previously dissolved in hot water to dissolve in the bath to a temperature of 35-39 °, take 5-15 minutes.

Pharmacological agents health recovery

Various drugs are used for many centuries for le¬cheniya medicine and rehabilitation rights. In recent years, some low toxic biologically active agents purposefully is¬polzuyut in sports practice for uskore¬niya recovery, active replenishments of plastic and energy resources, selectively controlling the major functional systems of the body at large physical nagruz¬kah. The use of low-emission reducing farmakolo¬gicheskih justified and pro-process of physical training to professio¬nalnoy activity, improving phi cal culture.

Recommended tools for napravlenno¬sti their actions ne¬skolko conventionally divided into groups.

vitamin preparations

Among the pharmacological agents vossta¬novleniya performance during physical exertion povyshen¬nyh special place pri¬nadlezhit vitamins. Their loss during ra¬boty or chronic deficiency in gfoduktah power lead not only to reduce ra¬botosposobnosti, but also to various boleznen¬nym states.

To meet the needs for vitamins orga¬nizma further prini¬mayut except fruits and vegetables, ready poli¬vitaminnye drugs.

1. Aerovit. It increases physical raboto¬sposobnost, speeds up recovery orga¬nizma after strenuous exercise. Dosage: 1 tablet 1 time a day for 3-4 weeks.

2. Dekamevit. It strengthens protective funk¬tsii organism, accelerates during vosstanovi¬telnyh processes, prevents the aging process. Dosage: 1 tablet x 2 times a day for 2-3 beadle.

3. Undevit. what is cialis used for Suitable for vosstanovle¬niya after strenuous exercise. Do¬zirovka: when the speed-power ha¬raktera x 2 tablets 2 times a day for 10 days, followed by 2 x 1 tablet twice daily teche¬nie next 20 days; when working at vy¬noslivost - 2 x 2 tablets twice a day for 15-20 days.

4. Glutamevit. Accelerates vosstanovitel¬nye processes in a period of great stress, physical performance in po¬vyshaet us¬loviyah midlands and hot climate. Dozi¬rovka: 1 tablet 3 times daily for 2-3 ne¬del.

5. tetravit. Accelerates recovery po¬sle heavy loads, used in uslovi¬yah training in hot climates. Dosage: 1 tablet x 2-3 times a day.

6. Vitamin B-g (calcium pangamate) - povy¬shaet resistance to hypoxia uve¬lichivaet glycogen synthesis in muscle, liver and myocardium and creatine - muscle and myocardium. It is used to accelerate vossta¬novleniya during strenuous na¬gruzok at mio¬karda surge phenomena, pain in the liver during periods of large na¬gruzok in the midlands.

7. Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) - obla¬daet anti-hypoxic action reguliru¬et oxidative processes and contributes to the accumulation of ATP in the muscles, improves performance when working fizi¬cheskuyu anae¬robnogo nature and conditions srednegsru .. Suitable for large physical on ¬gruzkah anaerobic and speed-strength na¬pravlennosti, when working in the midlands.

What is the best post cycle therapy steroids

8. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - ne¬dostatochnost this vitamin is manifested in fatigue, decreasing the body so¬protivlyaemosti zabo¬levaniyam colds. Long gedostatok askorbino¬voy acid leads to scurvy. Deficiency usually occurs in the late winter and early spring. Vitamin C is an effective stimulator of oxidative processes po¬vyshaet endurance, accelerates vosstanovle¬nie low testosterone in men physical performance. It is a part of all multivitamin complexes, pi¬tatelnyh mixtures for use during training and endurance competitions in the mountains to accelerate recovery.

Preparations plastic action

plastic action Preparations usko¬ryayut protein synthesis and reduced kletoch¬nye structure, improve during biohimiche¬skih gfotsessov. To address these challenges in sports medicine used orotate ka¬liya, Riboxinum, inosine, carnitine, and raz¬lichnye supplements enriched belka¬mi.

Drugs in this group are important for the prevention of physical stress, maintain high raboto¬sposobnosti during periods of elevated nagru¬zok.

1. best steroids for women Potassium Srotat ~ has antidistrofi¬cheskim action profilakti¬cheskoy appointed with the aim to prevent perenap¬ryazheniya infarction, cardiac arrhythmias, for the prevention and treatment of hepatic pain syndrome, for liver and biliary tract. 16 year old cock pics Promotes Prio ^ in muscle mass. The recommended dose pri¬ema: 0.5 g 2-3 times a day b. Prolonged pri¬menenii may be allergic re¬aktsii.

2. Riboxinum -Adopts neposredstven¬noe participate in the exchange of glucose, pyruvic acid activates enzymes and obes¬pechivaet normal process of respiration. Usi¬livaet action orotate potassium, especially in endurance training. It is indicated for acute and chronic overstress mio¬karda, for the prevention of violations serdech¬nogo rhythm, liver pain syndrome. which of the following is true about steroids? Recommended dosage: 1 tablet 4-6 times a day, the course - 10-15 days.

3. kokarboksilazu -. coenzyme of vitamin B. Participates in the regulation of uglevod¬nogo exchange, normalizes heart rate, lowers atskdoz. It is used after strenuous exercise in the event of failure pe¬renapryazheniya infarction and coronary circulation. Rekomendue¬maya dosage: intramuscular or podkozh¬no 0.05-0.1 g 1 times a day, the course - 15-30 days. Usually used in combination with other reducing agents.

4. Kobamamid - natural coenzyme form of vitamin B ". Metaboli¬cheskie and activates enzyme reaction exchanged amino¬kislot, carbohydrates and lipids digestion and sin¬tez proteins zhizneobespechs other processes of the body. Recommended dosage: 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. Usually they take together with carnitine.

5. Karnitkn - natural water-soluble amino acid, is widely predstavneanaya in all tissues but especially skeletal mysh¬tsah and myocardium. Anabolic means negormonal¬noe. Participates in biochemical re¬aktsiyah providing the beginning of muscle activity, and metabolic obespeche¬nii this activity. It accelerates the exchange zhir¬nyh acids in myocardial injury. It is used for intensive and long f'-; -zich ^ ing loads in sports and activities profes¬sionalnoy. Recommended pre-znuyvha: 1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day.

6. Lipotserebrin - drug from the brain tissue of cattle containing phospholipids. Used in sports practice during periods of intense training and competition, when fatigue and pere¬trenirovke, loss of strength, hypotension and malokro¬vii. Recommended dosage: 1 tablet of 0.15 g 3 times a day, the course - 10-15 days.

7. Lecithin-cerebrovascular - lecithin, poluchen¬ny fabric bovine brain. Apply dri strenuous nagruz¬kah, nervous exhaustion, general loss of strength. Recommended dosage: 3-6 tablets of 0.05 g for 10-15 days.

8. Food additive << Tonus "- is kontsen¬trirovanny biologically active product on the basis of pollen collected pchela¬mi. Rich digestible proteins zhira¬mi, mineral salts, as well as vitami¬nami 4) ePmentami and hormones neobhodi¬mymi human body. "Tonus" sposobst¬vuet normalization of metabolism, povyshe¬niyu efficiency, enhance the protective functions of the body, counteracts stare¬niyu. The most effective use of the drug in the early spring and late autumn (when change of seasons).

Preparations energy action

energy action Preparations us¬koryayut replenishment of wasted resources, stimulate the activity of the enzyme sis¬tem and increase the body's resistance to ginoksii. For drugs in this group otnosyat¬sya asparkam, Pananginum, glitserofos¬fat calcium, calcium gluconate, shotiminovaya Kia / yu-ta, methionine and some other aminokia, th-thou, and mixtures thereof.

1. steroids for women Asparkam, Panangin - ka¬liya contain salt and magnesium. Eliminate the imbalance ka¬liya ions and magnesium, reduces the excitability of miokar¬da and have antiarrhythmic action. They are used at high physical loads on for the prevention of myocardial surge during training in hot klima¬te, as well as weight sgonke. Recommended do¬zirovka: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, the course of 10-15 days.

2. Calcium glycerophosphate, calcium gluco-nut - use of these drugs is associated with the important role played by calcium in pro¬tsessah organism. Calcium ions affect the metabolism and are needed to ensure the transmission of impulses ner¬vnyh, reduce skeletal and myocardial mus¬kulatury for normal deya¬telnosti other organs and systems. Nedosta¬tok ionized calcium in the plasma leads to the occurrence of tetany. Prima nyayut these drugs at high fiziche¬skih loads to prevent muscle injuries and speed up recovery, as well as fatigue, nervous exhaustion sis¬temy. Recommended dosage: 1-2 tab¬letki 3-4 times a day before meals.

3. Glutamic acid - an amino acid. It stimulates oksilitelnye processes in the brain klet¬kah increases of-resistant to hypoxia, improves deya¬telnost heart, accelerates recovery from strenuous physical and mental na¬gruzkah. Recommended dosage: 1 tab¬letke 2-3 times a day after meals, course - 10-15 days.

4. McTHOHiiii - amino acid. Regulates the function of the liver, accelerates during vosstano¬vitelnyh fiziche¬skih processes at high loads. Recommended dosage: 0.5 g 3 times a day for an hour before a meal, a course of 10-30 days, but after 10 days of receiving rekomendu¬etsya make a break for 10 days.


Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy

Vendredi, 22 Février 2019 11:14 Administrateur
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Natural skin irritation re¬tseptorov has voz¬deystvie reflex and muscle activity siste¬my, internal organs and central nervous system.

Ultraviolet radiation (UVR). Voz¬deystvuya on the surface layer of the skin, ultraviolet irradiation causes local, segmental and general re¬aktsii body. This increases so¬derzhanie tissue bioactive ve¬schestv increases synthesis in the body vitami¬na D and improves calcium absorption in bone tissue and phosphorus are activated fermen¬tativnye reaction varies pronitsae¬most cell membranes and capillary circulation usi¬livaetsya and nutrition of tissues in general, normal activity of the nervous system.

Ultraviolet rays stimulate the body's za¬schitnye and have bole¬utolyayuschee action.

Under natural conditions, a beautiful oz¬dorovitelny effect is the use of solar-air baths. They must begin with prini¬mat 2-3 minutes alternately on the front and rear surface of the body, uve¬lichivaya exposure time every day for 2-3 minutes.

In the autumn-winter and early spring use artificial sources of radiation ultra¬fioletovogo. This compensates for having a place at this time of year "light go¬lodanie" and provides wellness, tonic effect on the body. Nekoto¬rye ultrafi¬oletovymi gyms are equipped with facilities for long-term exposure pro¬filakticheskogo engaged during training sessions, izluchayuschi¬mi relatively long wavelength ultrafi oletovye-rays (in the 320-380 nm range). Vyra¬zhenny positive effect observed at steroids and testosterone3-4 months of the application of such vozdey¬stvy.

In sports practice increasingly using short-term exposure to ultraviolet mobile or stationary irradiators. The exposure time gradually increased to 1 minute for 15-30 days beginning one minute.

Aeroionization. Aeroions - is bearing positive and negative charges of the particles of air. Under vliyani¬em solar radiation, cosmic izlu¬cheniya, electrical atmospheric protses¬sov et al. natural testosterone replacement therapy Factors are formed relatively light ions of oxygen. The purer and prozrach¬nee the air, the more light it otritsa¬telnyh oxygen ions. Such ions osoben¬no much in the air in the morning on mor¬skom coast, waterfalls, mountain rivers, le¬su. Their concentration reaches 1000-5000 per 1 cc of air. In the atmosphere of the big cities and in a residential area of oxygen ions is reduced to 400-600 cc

Contacting the surface dyhatel¬nyh ways and nude human skin, ionized oxygen stimulates fi¬ziologicheskie processes in the body.

Under the influence of air ionization normalizu¬etsya sleep, improves appetite and general samo¬chuvstvie, lowered blood pressure, heart rate and respiration, increased aktiv¬nost redox pro¬tsessov in the body. Aeroionization okazyva¬et a positive effect on the function kro¬vetvoreniya and contributes to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms in the air.

The greatest effect aeroionization pri¬nosit in the autumn-winter and early spring during workouts in gyms. The procedure is performed daily for 5-30 mi¬nut for 10-30 days. After a break of 3-4 weeks aeroionization course may be repeated.

Room for aeroionization obyaza¬telno must be isolated, to have good ventilation and temperature not below + 15 ° C. For the procedures used aeroionizers different types and modifi¬katsy industrial production.

The effect of temperature procedures obuslov¬len their irritating effect on the skin and thermoreceptors reflex influence on the functional state of the organism.

Kholodov application delay raz¬vitie acute inflammatory processes. rich piana age 15 In case of brief exposure they usili¬vayut, and at long - reduce the excitability of peripheral and central nervous system, increases metabolism pro¬tsessy in the body, lower the heart rate. The response to cold stimuli is manifested not only locally, but extends to the whole body. Regular use of cold treatments increasing intensity oka¬zyvaet Train ter¬moregulyatsii impact on the system, the body hardens.

Cold exposure used in trauma, painful place cooling water, snow, ice or chloroethyl, warning that the development of hematoma. steroids post cycle therapy Applications of ice applied to the abdomen and the perineum to prevent fatigue.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy

A pronounced therapeutic effect providing consistent application of cold and go¬ryachih baths with injuries and pain in the limbs and ligaments mysh¬tsah, especially O-Achille tendon. In the morning, usually 5-10 minutes, take a cold bath at boleznen¬noe place, and in the evening, for 15-20 minutes -Hot.

Under the influence of thermal procedures po¬vyshaetsya blood and body temperature, usiliva¬etsya blood flow, increases the heart rate and depth of breathing, changes in blood pressure, increased potoob-education. Heat acts boleutolyayusche and antispasmodic, causing muscle relaxation and changing the sensitivity organiz¬ma. Heat treatments are used as a elektrosvetoprotsedur, water treatments, baths, etc..

Steam bath in USA is the most common and traditional disaster recovery and sredst¬vom oz¬dorovleniya body. In recent years, shi¬roko used and dry air bath-sau¬na. The main difference between them zaklyucha¬etsya in temperature and humidity. The steam bath temperature of 40-60 C at a relative humidity of 80% and a dry air bath - temperature reaches 90-120 ° C at a humidity of less than 15%. what is testosterone replacement therapy In practice spor¬tivnoy sauna is used most often. It is recommended to speed up the Sun-stanovitelnyh processes, muscle relaxation, relief of tension and feelings usta¬losti. After the sauna improves mood, appears cheerful and calm, snizhaet¬sya fatigue.

Typically, they use the sauna after treniro¬vochnyh classes, although some authors reko¬menduyut short stay in the sauna for warming up before training the muscles and ligaments. If the next day after a bath scheduled training session, the koli¬chestvo visits to the steam room is not recommended more than 2-3 times. If you plan to vacation, the number of visits to the steam room is increased to 5-6 times. To enhance the impact of bath ras¬kalennye stones poured hot water. Thus there is a rapid formation pa¬ra. Physiological tolerability boundary in this case is achieved when a vapor pressure of 47.1 mm. Hg. testosterone replacement therapy near me Art. and a relative humidity of 16.3% (at 75 ° C). Exceeding these parameters causes the steam to condense on na¬chinaet body surface and cause a burning sensation and discomfort.

The rational is considered a pa¬reniya mode when the first call lasts about 5 minutes, a second run is the longest - up to 8-10 minutes, and all subsequent zaho¬dy reduced by 1-2 minutes. Prodolzhi¬telnost rest between calls in a steam room is determined individually until feeling ready to continue protsedu¬ry. Immediately after leaving the cooling steam is advisable to take gidroprotse¬dury: Cold or douches, holod¬nuyu font, etc.

When using the bath must be kon¬trolirovat your weight - his loss should not exceed 500-800 grams per visit. The security tse¬lyah not recommended to be in the same bath as in the steam room are possible heat stroke, steroids and anxiety fainting, loss of consciousness.

Before visiting the baths, for vosstanovle¬niya water-salt balance, it is useful to drink 250-500 ml of beer, and during the rest between za¬hodami the steam room and after a bath - tea, juice, water mi¬neralnuyu.

Hydrotherapy means health recovery

Hydrotherapy helps regulate kro¬vosnabzheniya tissues and accelerate them okis¬litelno-reduction processes, vy¬vedeniyu excreted metabolites likvida¬tsii stagnation and mikrotravmatiche¬skih injuries in the locomotor ap¬parate.

The most common water protsedu¬roy is normal rain shower koto¬ry you take after each trenirov¬ki for hygienic purposes. Depending on the temperature of the water can be cold shower (15-20 °), cool (20-30 °), indifferent¬nym (31-36 °), warm (37-38 °) or hot (over 38 °).

After HFA usually used kratkovre¬menny (0.5-2.0 minutes) or cold gorya¬chy shower that refreshes and several voz¬buzhdaet. After a workout or in the evening - tep¬ly shower, soothing. Some slucha¬yah can use douches -kombinirovanie hot and cold shower:

50-60 seconds, shower with water temperature 38-40 °, za¬tem 10-20 seconds - with a temperature of 10-20 °, cheredo¬vat 5-8 times. Douches also neskol¬ko refreshing and exciting.

It is widely used for a variety of baths vosstanovle¬niya performance. The duration of the common bath - 10-20 mi¬nut. The water can be fresh or contain any additives: salt, alkaline or aromatic (pine extract, etc.).

1. testosterone replacement therapy side effects Fresh (hygienic) Bath: tempe¬ratura water 36-37 °, duration of 10-20 minutes. It can be used after workouts, during the sauna. After such a bath to shower rekomen¬duetsya temperature 33-35 ° te¬chenie in 1-2 minutes.

2. Hot or hyperthermic bath. It may be common, sedentary or foot. The water temperature is from 39 to 43 °, prodolzhitel¬nost - 5-7 minutes. Used to vossta¬novleniya the musculoskeletal ap¬parata with "oppression" of muscles, pain in the muscles of the legs, to prevent injuries and pere¬gruzok. For this bath, according to the doctor's instructions, you can use various medicinal supplements. Sitz baths are used with the aim of profi¬lakticheskoy. Foot baths rekomen¬duyut mainly those who perform high jump or running load. For example, after a long run in the leg muscles may occur pain. The muscles at the same time up-lotneny, "clogged" and painful, bad ras¬slablyayutsya.

Mis à jour ( Vendredi, 22 Février 2019 11:26 )